Wanchain Bridge User Manual (New Version)

What's New

The new version of the Wanchain Bridge introduces several major improvements:


  • Increased transaction speed and efficiency.


  • Added support for direct token selection mode and select-chain-then-token mode.

  • Added support for more blockchains and asset types.

  • Added support for new extension wallets.

  • Added support for disconnecting and switching between connected wallets.

  • Added support for connecting separate EVM wallets and Non-EVM wallets when transferring assets between EVM chains and Non-EVM chains.

  • Added a toggle to only display XFlows & CCTP routes.

  • Added cross-chain transaction time estimates.

  • Added a dashboard and liquidity page to view Wanchain Bridge statistics.

  • Added a dark mode.

  • Added a history page.

  • Added an NFT bridge page to display all supported NFT collections and available NFTs.

Cross-chain transactions using the new WanBridge

This guide will demonstrate five separate cross-chain transactions:

  1. $ETH from Ethereum to Wanchain using the WanBridge web portal with Metamask.

  2. $ADA from Cardano to Wanchain using the WanBridge web portal with Nami wallet.

  3. $BTC from Bitcoin to Wanchain using the WanBridge web portal and an external BTC wallet.

  4. NFT cross-chain transaction from Ethereum to BNB Chain using the WanBridge web portal with Metamask.

  5. $WAN from Wanchain to XDC Network using the MetaMask mobile app.

Cross-chain transferring ETH from Ethereum to Wanchain

Step 1. Make sure you have the appropriate wallets installed.

Before completing decentralised cross-chain transactions using the WanBridge web portal, you need to ensure you have access to the correct wallet(s). You must have wallets for each network involved in the cross-chain transaction. Metamask is a fantastic wallet that grants you access to any EVM-compatible blockchain networks. Also ensure you have the correct non-EVM wallets installed if you are interacting with non-EVM chains.

Step 2: Visit the WanBridge web portal and connect your wallet.

Click on the "Connect wallet" button in the top right corner, and connect to an EVM Compatible wallet that supports Ethereum, such as Metamask.

Click “MetaMask

If this is your first time using the WanBridge web portal, you will first need to give permission to connect your wallet. Follow the MetaMask prompts by clicking “Next” then “Connect” as instructed.

Step 3: Initiate a cross-chain transaction to move your $ETH from Ethereum to Wanchain.

Select the “From Chain” as Ethereum and the “Asset” as ETH.

Note: This will automatically switch the network to Ethereum if your MetaMask is on another network.

Select the “To Chain” as Wanchain, which will automatically fill in your connected wallet address. If you wish to use a different destination address, you can click the Edit button, then enter your address and click save.

Enter the amount you wish to cross-chain transfer, then click “Next”.

Confirm that the “Recipient” address does not belong to a centralised exchange then click “Confirm”.

After confirming the information is correct, click the "Confirm" button, then click “Confirm” in the MetaMask pop-up to confirm the transaction.

Step 4: Wait for your cross-chain transaction to complete. It is now processing.

Your cross-chain transaction is now processing, please be patient. On the cross-chain history tab, you’ll the status will change two times:

  • In Progress (1/2)

  • In Progress (2/2)

  • Success

Note: The speed of the cross-chain transaction is entirely dependent on the networks involved. Transactions involving slower networks like Bitcoin or Ethereum may take several minutes or more to complete.

Step 5: Confirm the receipt of your funds. Your cross-chain transaction is complete!

Once your cross-chain transaction is complete, you’ll see your $ETH balance on Wanchain (called $wanETH) and the cross-chain transaction status change to “success”.

Cross-chain transferring ADA from Cardano to Wanchain

Step 1. Make sure you have the appropriate wallets installed.

Before completing decentralised cross-chain transactions using the WanBridge web portal, you need to ensure you have access to the correct wallet(s). You must have wallets for each network involved in the cross-chain transaction. Nami is a popular wallet that grants you access to the Cardano blockchain network. Metamask is a fantastic wallet that grants you access to any EVM-compatible blockchain networks.

Step 2: Visit the WanBridge web portal and connect your wallet.

Click on the "Connect wallet" button in the top right corner, and connect to a Cardano Compatible wallet, such as Nami.

Step 3: Initiate a cross-chain transaction to move your $ADA from Cardano to Wanchain.

Select the “From Chain” as Cardano and the “Asset” as ADA.

Select the “To Chain” as Wanchain. Click the small wallet icon on the right side of the input box to connect a Wanchain-supported extension wallet such as MetaMask, then select your address from the list. You can also click the Edit button, enter your address manually, then click the green check mark to save.

Enter the amount you wish to cross-chain transfer, then click “Next”.

Confirm that the “Recipient” address does not belong to a centralised exchange then click “Confirm”.

After confirming the information is correct, click the "Confirm" button, then click “Sign” in the Nami pop-up to confirm the transaction.

Step 4: Wait for your cross-chain transaction to complete. It is now processing.

Your cross-chain transaction is now processing, please be patient. On the cross-chain history tab, you’ll the status will change two times:

  • In Progress (1/2)

  • In Progress (2/2)

  • Success

Note: The speed of the cross-chain transaction is entirely dependent on the networks involved. Transactions involving slower networks like Bitcoin or Ethereum may take several minutes or more to complete.

Step 5: Confirm the receipt of your funds. Your cross-chain transaction is complete!

Once your cross-chain transaction is complete, you’ll see your $ADA balance on Wanchain (called $wanADA) and the cross-chain transaction status change to “success”.

Cross-chain transferring BTC from Bitcoin to Wanchain

Step 1. Make sure you have the appropriate wallets installed.

Before completing decentralised cross-chain transactions using the WanBridge web portal, you need to ensure you have access to the correct wallet(s). Metamask is a fantastic wallet that grants you access to any EVM-compatible blockchain networks. As BTC will be sent from an external wallet, use any Bitcoin wallet of your choice.

Step 2: Visit the WanBridge web portal and connect your wallet.

Click on the "Connect wallet" button in the top right corner, and connect to an EVM Compatible wallet that supports Wanchain, such as Metamask.

Step 3: Initiate a cross-chain transaction to move your $BTC from Bitcoin to Wanchain.

Select the “From Chain” as Bitcoin and the “Asset” as BTC.

Select the “To Chain” as Wanchain. Click the small wallet icon on the right side of the input box to connect a Wanchain-supported extension wallet such as MetaMask, then select your address from the list. You can also click the Edit button, enter your address manually, then click the green check mark to save.

Enter the amount you wish to cross-chain transfer, then click “Next”.

Confirm that the “Recipient” address does not belong to a centralised exchange then click “Confirm”.

After confirming the information is correct, click the "Confirm" button.

Confirm the information is correct, copy the one-time Bitcoin address, then send the amount of BTC shown to the one time address. Only send one transaction with the correct amount, do not send multiple transactions. Once you have sent your BTC, click “Confirm”, then confirm the pop-up too.

Step 4: Wait for your cross-chain transaction to complete. It is now processing.

Your cross-chain transaction is now processing, please be patient. On the cross-chain history tab, you’ll the status will change two times:

  • In Progress (1/2)

  • In Progress (2/2)

  • Success

Note: The speed of the cross-chain transaction is entirely dependent on the networks involved. Transactions involving slower networks like Bitcoin or Ethereum may take several minutes or more to complete.

Step 5: Confirm the receipt of your funds. Your cross-chain transaction is complete!

Once your cross-chain transaction is complete, you’ll see your $BTC balance on Wanchain (called $wanBTC) and the cross-chain transaction status change to “success”.

Cross-chain transferring an NFT from Ethereum to BNB Chain.

Step 1. Make sure you have the appropriate wallets installed.

Before completing decentralised cross-chain transactions using the WanBridge web portal, you need to ensure you have access to the correct wallet(s). Metamask is a fantastic wallet that grants you access to any EVM-compatible blockchain networks. Also ensure you have the correct non-EVM wallets installed if you are interacting with non-EVM chains.

Step 2: Visit the WanBridge web portal and connect your wallet.

Click on the "Connect wallet" button in the top right corner, and connect to an EVM Compatible wallet that supports Ethereum, such as Metamask.

Step 3: Initiate a cross-chain transaction to move your NFT from Ethereum to BNB Chain.

For the “Source Chain”, select Ethereum, then select the Collection (e.g., GMPD). Note: This will automatically switch the network to Ethereum if you are on a different network. Confirm in the Metamask pop-up to switch networks.

Select the NFTs you wish to cross-chain transfer under the collection you chose.

For the “Destination Chain”, select BNB Chain. Your connected MetaMask address will automatically be filled as the destination address. If you wish to cross-chain transfer to a different address, click the edit button, then enter your address and click the green check mark to save.

Click “Confirm” to proceed.

Confirm all information is correct, then click the “Confirm” button and confirm the MetaMask pop-up.

Step 4: Wait for your cross-chain transaction to complete. It is now processing.

Your cross-chain transaction is now processing, please be patient. On the cross-chain history tab, you’ll the status will change two times:

  • In Progress (1/2)

  • In Progress (2/2)

  • Success

Note: The speed of the cross-chain NFT transaction is entirely dependent on the networks involved. Transactions involving slower networks like Ethereum may take several minutes or more to complete.

Step 5: Confirm the receipt of your NFT. Your cross-chain NFT transaction is complete!

Once your cross-chain NFT transaction is complete, you’ll see your NFT on BNB Chain and the cross-chain transaction status change to “success”.

Cross-chain transferring WAN from Wanchain to XDC Network using MetaMask Mobile.

Step 1. Make sure you have the appropriate wallets installed.

Before completing decentralised cross-chain transactions using mobile, you’ll need a mobile wallet installed such as MetaMask Mobile. WanBridge Web Portal is accessible through MetaMask Mobile’s built-in browser.

Note: Cross-chain transactions on mobile are limited to EVM chains only for now.

Step 2: Visit the WanBridge web portal via the MetaMask Mobile browser and connect your wallet.

On the MetaMask Mobile app, navigate to the built in browser and visit the WanBridge Web Portal. Click on the "Connect Wallet" button bottom, then select MetaMask,. This will connect your MetaMask Mobile address.

Step 3: Initiate a cross-chain transaction to move your WAN from Wanchain to XDC Network.

Select the “From Chain” as Wanchain and the “Assset” as WAN.

Select the “To Chain” as XDC Network. Your MetaMask address will automatically be filled. You can also click the Edit button, enter your address manually, then press the green check mark to save.

Enter the amount you wish to cross-chain transfer, then press “Next”.

After confirming the information is correct, press the "Confirm" button, then press “Confirm” in the MetaMask pop-up to confirm the transaction.

Step 4: Wait for your cross-chain transaction to complete. It is now processing.

Your cross-chain transaction is now processing, please be patient. On the cross-chain history tab, you’ll the status will change two times:

  • In Progress (1/2)

  • In Progress (2/2)

  • Success

Note: The speed of the cross-chain transaction is entirely dependent on the networks involved. Transactions involving slower networks like Bitcoin or Ethereum may take several minutes or more to complete.

Step 5: Confirm the receipt of your funds. Your cross-chain transaction is complete!

Once your cross-chain transaction is complete, you’ll see your $WAN balance on XDC Network and the cross-chain transaction status change to “success”.


How do I switch networks on my extension wallet?

In order to cross-chain transfer assets, the network connected to your wallet must match the selected “From” chain. There are two ways to switch wallet networks:

  • Method one: When selecting the From chain, the WanBridge web portal will automatically switch the wallet network, requiring the user to manually confirm the network switch in the pop-up.

  • Method two: If not supported or automatic network switching fails, open the extension wallet and manually select the corresponding network.

What assets can I transfer using the WanBridge cross-chain bridge?

You can see which assets are supported for cross-chain and which assets you currently own on the blockchain through the Assets selection window.

How do I select assets for cross-chain transfers with WanBridge?

The new WanBridge offers two modes for selecting chains and tokens: the direct token selection mode and the select-chain-then-token mode.

Direct token selection mode: On the default page, simply click the Asset dropdown button. You will see a list of all assets supported by WanBridge in the Asset dropdown box, including your own asset information. Directly select the asset you need to cross-chain (filtering both Chain and Asset at the same time).

Select-chain-then-token mode: Alternatively, you can select the “From” chain first, and then select the assets on that chain (filter Chain -> then filter Asset).

How long does a cross-chain transaction take using WanBridge?

The duration of cross-chain transactions depends on the networks involved. Networks like Ethereum and Bitcoin will be slower than faster networks like BNB Chain and Tron for example.

On the new WanBridge, an estimated time on the confirm page is shown. If a transaction has not succeeded after an extended period, such as over 3 hours, you can contact us for inquiries and processing at techsupport@wanchain.org

What is the bridge fee cost using WanBridge?

In general, the bridge fee for a cross-chain transaction consists of network fee and service fee. You can see the bridge fee in detail on the WanBridge frontend when you conduct a specific cross-chain transaction.

Last updated